Subtotal: £18.00
Subtotal: £18.00

Save yourself from Hellfire


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SKU: Aug-22-280 Category:

Save yourself from Hellfire – Paperback by Shaykh Mufti Saiful Islam

Presented before you is a brief commentary of Sūrah Tahrīm; the sixty-sixth chapter of the holy Qur’ān. Although this sūrah consists of twelve verses only, the commentary is vast. The beauty of tafāsīr is such that numerous wisdom, advice and guidance can be deduced from a single āyah. And this sūrah is no different.

In this sūrah, Allāh subhanahu wa ta’ala addresses incidents that occurred in the life of Rasūlullāh sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Through His infinite mercy, He commands us to save ourselves and our families from the Fire and exhorts us to make sincere repentance. Allāh subhanahu wa ta’ala also mentions the evil women who will be in the Hellfire due to their wickedness, and reminds us of two of the greatest women that have ever lived; Maryam and Āsiyah (may Allāh subhanahu wa ta’ala be pleased with them both).

Weight 0.25 kg


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