Weight | 1.41 kg |
المؤلف | |
سنة الوفاة | 565 |
PUBLISHER | دار المعراج |
سنة الإصدار | 1441 |
جواهر الفتاوى
This book is a dynamite of a book.
The author, Muḥammad ibn ‘Abd al-Rashῑd al-Kirmānῑ (d.565 AH) has gathered Masā’il from various books of Fiqh, many of which are not currently found. In many cases, he indicates to the book from which he is presenting the Mas’alah. The manner in which he has gathered the Masā’il from these books is that under each chapter of Fiqh, he has divided the chapter into six sub-chapters:
1) Masā’il taken from the Fatāwā of Imām Rukn al-Dῑn Abu’l Faḍl al-Kirmānῑ raḥimahullah (d.543 AH)
2) Masā’il taken from the Fatāwā of Fakhr al-Islām al-Bazdawῑ raḥimahullah (d.482 AH)
3) Masā’il taken from the Fatāwā of Shaykh ‘Aṭā’ ibn Ḥamzah al-Sughdῑ raḥimahullah
4) Masā’il taken from the Fatāwā of Najm al-Dῑn al-Nasafῑ raḥimahullah (d.537 AH)
5) Masā’il taken from the Fatāwā of Majd al-Sharῑʽah Sulaymān ibn al-Ḥasan al-Kirmānῑ raḥimahullah (d.493 AH)
6) Masā’il taken from the Fatāwā of various reliable scholars
The entire book is full of rare Masā’il including lots of discussions on reading behind someone who follows a different school of thought. He has a specific chapter detailing the rules of mistakes in recitation during Ṣalāh which is particularly beneficial. The section on miscellaneous Masā’il (often referred to as Bāb al-Istiḥsān) is particularly interesting and contains Masā’il that you will not find anywhere else.
This is an oft-quoted book in the Ḥanafῑ Madhhab, and therefore, a must-have for a Muftῑ.
Ismaeel Books
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