المؤلف | |
PUBLISHER | دار المنهاج |
عدد المجلدات | 4 |
WEIGHT | 5.500 |
الجامع الصحيح تحقيق الشيخ زهير بن الناصر
الجامع الصحيح – تحقيق شيخ محمد زهير الناصر – المطبعة دار المنهاج
Hafiz al-Yunini Rahimahullah (d.701 AH) was an 8th century master Muhaddith. He held 71 gatherings in which he compared the various recensions of Sahih al-Bukhari whilst noting, with precision, the various differences between these recensions.
His copy of Sahih al-Bukhari is considered the most famous and most authoritative copy of Sahih al-Bukhari.
This copy was then printed by the Ottoman caliph Sultan Abdul Hameed in 1311 AH by Al-Matba’ah al-Amiriyyah in Bulaq.
This print is the Sultan Abdul Hameed print of Sahih al-Bukhari. It is undoubtedly the most authoritative print of Sahih al-Bukhari.
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