Weight | 7 kg |
المؤلف | |
PUBLISHER | دار المنهاج |
عدد المجلدات | 6 |
سنن أبي داود تحقيق العلامة محمد العوامة
السنن لأبي داوود – تحقيق: محمد عوامة
Shaykh Shuayb al-Arnaout famously said in his introduction to the Al-Marasil of Imam Abu Dawud: “Only a true experienced scholar in Hadith is able to read the handwriting of Hafiz Ibn Hajar.”
It is well-known amongst the scholars of Hadith that the manuscripts of the books of Hadith written with the handwriting of Hafiz Ibn Hajar are considered tremendously reliable due to Hafiz Ibn Hajar’s reliance on authentic manuscripts of each book.
This print of Sunan Abu Dawud has been printed using Hafiz Ibn Hajar’s handwritten copy of Sunan Abu Dawud which he had written when he was 27. This was Ibn Hajar’s personal copy which he kept by him and continue to add to it his own beneficial notes.
Ibn Hajar’s copy was essentially based upon the retention of Al-Lu’lu’i from Imam Abu Dawud, then compared with the retention of Ibn Dasah, Ibn al-A’rabi, Ibn al-‘Abd and, at times, Al-Ramli.
The Muhaqqiq, Shaykh Awwamah, is an authority in the field of Hadith. He has referenced the Ahadith found in the book to other books of Hadith.
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