The Best of Stories – Paperback by Shaykh Mufti Saiful Islam
Sūrah Yūsuf is more than just a story of one of our beloved Prophets alayhis salaam, there is much wisdom and lessons to be learnt and understood. All the knowledge comes from our honourable Shaykh, inspiration and Ustādh, Shaykh Mufti Saiful Islām Sāhib. May Allāh subhanahu wa ta’ala shower Mufti Sāhib with mercy and accept the day in, day out effort he carries out in the work of Dīn.
For all those people who are going through any kind of hardship, whether it be grief, misery, depression or illness etc., it is advisable to read Sūrah Yūsuf in abundance. Inshā-Allāh it will bring joy, relief and perseverance during times of distress.
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