نوادر الأصول في معرفة احاديث الرسول طبعة مسندة


نوادر الأصول – للحكيم الترمذي – دار المنهاج – 5 مجلدات

This work is one of the earliest books that can be called a Sufi study of hadeeth. Imam Abu AbdAllah al-Tirmidhi, more commonly known as al-Hakeem al-Tirmidhi, was the author of some of the earliest books on tasawwuf which were considered authoritative by later Sufis.
As well as his authority in tasawwuf, he was also a scholar of hadeeth. Having passed away in the late 3rd – or early 4th – century AH, he was a contemporary of the authors of al-kutub al-sittah, sharing some of their shuyookh.
In Nawadir al-Usool he has gathered 291 hadeeths with his own isnad. Each hadeeth has been called an “asl”, which he then follows with his own commentary using Qur’an verses, more hadeeths, linguistics and his own deductions. This also makes it arguably the earliest existing commentary of hadeeths. It contains narrations not found in al-kutub al-sittah.
Dar al-Minhaj have printed the book in 5 volumes using 6 manuscripts. It comes with quite an extensive takhreej. The isnads have been carefully analysed and the muhaqqiq gives his opinion on each hadeeth’s status. This is quite important as the book does contain a fair amount of weak narrations.

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Weight 5.5 kg

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